Monday, April 11, 2011

Bethlehem Corps SAY Brigade Sport, April 9 2011

Bethlehem Corps SAY Brigade Spor2011

April 9, 2011 (Saturday): …..It is a fine day of spring, and also it is the time for the long awaited Bethlehem Corps SAY Brigade Sport at  Bethlehem Vengthlang Field. Bethlehem Corps SAY members are divided into three brigades – Chalchhuna Brigade, Sr.Capt.Lalkaithanga Brigade, Lt.Col.Kawlkhuma Brigade, with each brigade having Office Bearers and Council Members. The brigades are then given a task to workout their financial budget within a year and are expected to make revenues in any way they can but within the jurisdiction of the Salvation Army and its law and order. They will also be competing in sports and would be played in premiere and the first competition is on Football (for men), Volleyball (for women) and Poisonball (men & women). Read more >>>

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